Design Your Future

Title of the event:

Design Your Future

Design Your Future

Design Your Future


26th April 2023

26th April 2023

26th April 2023

Target Audience:

BCOM 4th Sem A & B Section and E-Cell members

BCOM 4th Sem A & B Section and E-Cell members

BCOM 4th Sem A & B Section and E-Cell members

No of participants:




Resource person - Name:

Dr. Kunal Shah

Mr. Hitesh Adwani





Essenzaa Nutrition Pvt Ltd

Choice Fashions Pvt Ltd

Topic Presented:

Awareness about Entrepreneurship

Awareness about Entrepreneurship





Report prepared by:

Harini 4th Sem A Sec BCOM

Harini 4th Sem A Sec BCOM

Harini 4th Sem A Sec BCOM

Faculty In-charge:

Prof. Roopashree & Prof. Vaibhava

Prof. Roopashree & Prof. Vaibhava

Prof. Roopashree & Prof. Vaibhava

On the 26th of April 2023, an online session was conducted for the commerce students of Dayanand Sagar Business Academy. It was presented by the E-cell Suprayoga and IQAC and named” Design Your Future.” The session was held for over an hour and the two speakers were Dr. Kunal Shah and Mr. Hitesh Adwani. Both of them gave information to the students on their respective journeys and the hurdles they came across. While both focused on inspiring and encouraging students to start their own business ventures, they mainly insisted upon the importance of finding a solution to an already existing problem in the society.

Dr. Kunal Shah occupied the first half of the session. He introduced himself as a second-generation entrepreneur in the family business area and also as the founder of Essenzaa Nutrition Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Kunal Shah spoke about the role Ayurveda played in his life. He implored us students to understand that Ayurveda is a gift of ancient India. Dr. Kunal Shah completed a degree with Ayurveda as the base. One day he observed that while ayurveda is well known and well available across the India Continent, the availability of Ayurveda in foreign countries seemed to be very low. Upon further research he understood that there was a huge market for exporting Indian Ayurvedic knowledge and medicine to foreign countries. Once while attending a party in the US, he met a scientist who had devised an innovative way to use the ayurvedic technology with English medicine. He had invented a formula that increased the efficiency and usage of Ayurveda. Dr. Kunal Shah had the idea of using this as his main business strategy. He then made efforts to acquire the patents of these formulae. He now has a well renowned business that was based upon an innovative idea as well as had a huge scope and market.

Through his journey we can understand that Dr. Kunal Shah has followed all the necessary steps to become an entrepreneur and succeed in making his business well fledged. He found a problem, stumbled across the solution, had an innovative idea, and took the efforts to combine the two to come up with a viable business. His journey has enlightened all the students on the importance of innovation.

The second half of the session was conducted by Mr. Hitesh Adwani who is the director of Choice Fashion Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Hitesh Adwani focused on highlighting the important aspects of his career and implored upon the importance of having the qualities that is required of an entrepreneur. Mr. Adwani spoke about starting a business through creativity and sustainability. While he did have a main business he was involved in, he also has multiple side hustles that were innovative in their own right. One of these businesses is a studio for art and photography that he started with his wife. He mainly insisted upon the importance of having a well work life balance in life. He said that he and his wife would regularly work through their schedules and plans and make the necessary time to spend with their son and family. Mr. Adwani encouraged the students to have a discipline in life. His schedule starts at 4 in the morning and included enough time to take care of his physical as well as mental fitness. He wanted everyone to ask questions in life and make mistakes that we can learn from.

Mr. Adwani’s journey was filled with dedication and passion. He began a viable career that would be stable during bad times and boom during the good times in the economy. He wanted all the students to be creative and have our own passions and ideas in life.

Both the speakers were experienced entrepreneurs who gave the audience an insight into the life of an entrepreneurs. From this session the students have acknowledged the fact that entrepreneurship is not an easy journey. A person must be filled with enough passion and fire and never lose hope to the hurdles that will inevitably come in their career.