Marketing Orientation

Marketing Orientation


Marketing Orientation


4th October 2023


11:45 am to 12:50am

Target Group

BBA and B.Com Final Year

No of Participants


Resource Person

Prof.Sanjeev C

Designation and Organisation

Assistant Professor ,DSBA



In this modern era, the concept of a 'career path' has evolved into a 'career portfolio.' The speaker explained the five critical thinking stages related to the company, including the term 'Glocal,' which emphasizes thinking globally and acting locally. We then discussed essential skills for marketers, such as an eye for detail, a love for numbers, curiosity, and creative thinking.

Moving on, we explored various career opportunities in the market, ranging from trade marketing to digital marketing and ARG roles. The speaker also detailed different roles within digital marketing, such as SEO specialists, content marketers, and affiliate marketers.

Next, we learned about three ways to enter the marketing field: transitioning from sales, a direct entry into marketing, or switching from another function to marketing. The discussion extended to the universality of sales across sectors and goods.

The responsibilities of a sales manager were explained, and the speaker concluded by emphasizing the importance of skills in turning a degree certificate into more than just a piece of paper.