NSS at Dayananda Sagar Business AcademyNSS unit at Dayananda Sagar Business Academy came into being on August 04, 2015 with the ideals of selfless service towards the society. Aimed at developing student's personality through community service, NSS also provides students with an opportunity to apply their education in finding practical solutions to the problems faced by individuals as well as the community at large. By awakening the student’s sense of social commitment, NSS has added a new dimension to the campus life. Bangalore University having acknowledged and lauded the efforts of Dayananda Sagar Business Academy NSS unit’s worthy contributions to the society has recognised the unit for award of Grant-in-Aid from the year 2018-19. NSS activities are coordinated by Prof Kasthuri Gopal, NSS Program Officer. NSS Strength2015-2016-100 Volunteers 2016-2017-100 Volunteers 2017-2018-100 Volunteers 2018-2019-100 Volunteers Activities